Industrial Batteries

HEG’s industrial battery solutions are designed to provide:

  • Power backup and ensure operational continuity in the industrial sector. It guarantees continuous factory operation as a large-scale UPS.
  • Battery consumption only during peak hours. Generates savings of up to 40% on the CFE bill.
  • Battery charging during base hours, for use in case of emergency.

Our energy storage systems allow companies to avoid losses due to blackouts and optimize energy use during peak demand, thus achieving significant savings in operating costs.

Our batteries are integrated with advanced management systems that monitor and optimize energy flow, ensuring efficient and reliable operation.

HEG takes care of the O&M of your battery system.


Terra Business Park – C85,
Primera Cerrada Circuito Universidades 35,
Col. Ejido el Pozo, Municipio El Marqués, Querétaro,
C.P. 76269, México

Call the Office
+52 (442) 223 83 45

+52 (55) 7767 70 07


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